In "Curious George wants to ask about you and Bob."

I, uh, really wanted to see Ani DiFranco perform, and this one time, she was opening for Bob. So I saw Ani DiFranco. And then I left. (Hell of an expensive way to see a concert, lemme tell you.)

In "Dating culture is dead - instead, young New Zealand women are regularly getting drunk and cruising around in packs looking for men to have sex with."

A brief survey of people I know seems to indicate that they don't know where these packs of women are. I don't know where they are either. I checked behind the couch and everything. (I do also wonder if the kinds of people who respond to a sex survey are perhaps more likely to be sluuuuuuts.)

In "Animals Preserved in Formaldehyde"

No discussion on preserved animals can be complete without mention of a winged monkey taxidermy mount...

In "Auckland MeFi meetup"

I'm going to Auckland...but not arriving until Sunday night d: Oh well.

In "A Generation Weighed Down by Debt."

I finished my degree with no debt (Living at home reduced my expenses a *lot*; and working part time earned me enough to cover the cost of my education). At my worst, I had maybe $2500 of credit card debt which is pretty good in the grand scheme of things. At my best... I'm afraid you'll all beat me up :p

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